Informations générales

Gérant : Halil GULSUNA
Directeur commercial : Baris GULSUNA
As company founded by GULSUNA family in 1988. It started with small workshop which produces food and agricultural machinery in Mersin /TURKEY. Following the usage of technological developments and alternations on diversion of production , so rebar and wire processing machines went into production in 1994. Modern technological applications ,innovations and R&D… Requirements and demands of clients are indispensable part of R&D department which renovated by the day. An experienced personnel utilise an advanced designed solid modeling proggrammes and special softwares based on desing verification .All type of automation and software can be achived in accordiance with customer demands . All the machine parts are produced at CNC process stations with its standarts and high quality as well as environmentalist mentality.The machines are controlled on 2 steps which are mechanical & electronic and practice tests and produce ISO 9001: 2008 on quality manaegement system .

Informations de contact

Tél : +903242352068
Adresse : Çilek Mah. Keresteciler sit 6209 sok no 3
E-mail : empoltd@gmail.com
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